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Each company in the BioEscalator has a private network connected to the internet via a firewall. The network is the same presented both over wireless and the network sockets within the associated lab or office space.

Connections from the internet to machines in the BioEscalator are prevented by the firewall, however, connections out to the internet are fully permitted. Connections between machines on a single company network are fully open. Connections between the networks of different companies are not permitted. This is to prevent the spread of viruses and other similar issues.


Wireless Network Passwords

Each person is assigned a personal wireless network login name and password. These credentials place the person on the correct network for their company.


Wireless Network Names

bioescalator Wireless network for Bioescalator Tenants
beguest Guest network for company visitors - see reception for details

The Bioescalator also provides access to the standard University networks - eduroam and OWL.


Firewall Rules


10.9.X.0 Do not use - reserved address
10.9.X.1 to 10.9.X.200 Automatically allocated addresses
10.9.X.201 to 10.9.X.249 Available to statically allocate to equipment
10.9.X.250 to 10.9.X.253 Do not use - reserved
10.9.X.254 Gateway/Router
10.9.X.255 Broadcast address - reserved

Note: for DNS use Google and