Title: Gene Therapy - Coming of Age
Speaker: Yatish Lad, Vice President, Head of Early Development
Abstract/speaker bio: Oxford Biomedica is a leading, fully integrated, cell and gene therapy group. They have built a sector-leading lentiviral vector delivery system, LentiVector® platform, which is leveraged to develop in vivo and ex vivo products both in-house and with partners. They have also created a valuable proprietary portfolio of cell and gene therapy product candidates in the areas of oncology, ophthalmology, CNS disorders and liver diseases. They have a three-year master supply and development agreement with AstraZeneca for large-scale manufacturing of the adenoviral based COVID-19 vaccine. Oxford Biomedica is based across several locations in Oxfordshire, UK and employs more than 740 people.
For further information on BridgeBio visit: https://www.oxb.com/
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